Apart from the Tamil fractions and numerals there are other miscellaneous symbols. These can be typeset in XeLaTex or LuaLaTeX. Make sure you have installed the Noto Sans Tamil Supplement Font. To insert the Unicode character say in TeX studio press CTRL+ALT+u and input the Unicode number in the dialog box and press enter. i will mention the Unicode block and its corresponding character. Whenever we can type the symbols in IBus [uses the Tamil99 layout] I'll mention the keystrokes in the first column.Measures of grain
11FD5 ЁС┐Х 1 роиெро▓் one grain of paddy
11FD6 ЁС┐Ц роЪெро╡ிроЯ்роЯு 360 grains of paddy
11FD7 ЁС┐Ч роЖро┤ாроХ்роХு 1,800 grains of paddy
11FD8 ЁС┐Ш роЙро┤роХ்роХு 3,600 grains of paddy
- роЙро░ி 2 роЙро┤роХ்роХு 7,200 grains of paddy
11FD9 ЁС┐Щ рооூро╡ுро┤роХ்роХு 10,800 grains of paddy
0BF3 ௳ рокроЯி 14,400 grains of paddy
11FDA ЁС┐Ъ роХுро░ுройி* 115,200 grains of paddy
11FDB ЁС┐Ы рокродроХ்роХு 230,400 grains of paddy
11FDC ЁС┐Ь рооுроХ்роХுро░ுройி* 345,600 grains of paddy
* рооро░роХ்роХாро▓் роОрой்ро▒ுроо் роЕро┤ைроХ்роХро▓ாроо்
* can also be called Marakkaal
Old currency symbols
11FDD ЁС┐Э роХாроЪு Paise
11FDE ЁС┐Ю рокрогроо் Money
11FDF ЁС┐Я рокொрой் Gold coin
11FE0 ЁС┐а ро╡ро░ாроХрой் Gold coin bearing boar insgignia
Symbols of weight, length, and area
11FE1 ЁС┐б рокாро░роо் Equals approx 227 kg
11FE2 ЁС┐в роХுро┤ி* Approx 121 sq ft
11FE3 ЁС┐г ро╡ேро▓ி Approx 242,000 sq ft
Agricultural symbols
11FE4 ЁС┐д роирой்роЪெроп் Wet Cultivation
11FE5 ЁС┐е рокுрой்роЪெроп் Dry Cultivation
11FE6 ЁС┐ж роиிро▓роо் Land
11FE7 ЁС┐з роЙрок்рокро│роо் Salt Pan
Clerical symbols
11FE8 ЁС┐и ро╡ро░ро╡ு Credit
11FE9 ЁС┐й роОрог் Number
11FEA ЁС┐к роиாро│родு Current date sign
11FEB ЁС┐л роЪிро▓்ро▓ро░ை Change 11FEC ЁС┐м рокோроХ Spent sign
11FED ЁС┐н роЖроХ Total Sign
Other symbols and abbreviations
11FEE ЁС┐о ро╡роЪроо் Posession
11FF0 ЁС┐░ рооுродро▓ிроп et cetera
11FF1 ЁС┐▒ ро╡роХைропро░ா indicates items of a family or kind
11FFF ЁС┐┐ - End of Text
Symbols in the Standard Tamil Unicode Block
A 0BF3 ௳ Day also pillaiyar suli роиாро│்
X 0BF4 ௴ Month рооாродроо்
C 0BF5 ௵ Year ро╡ро░ுроЯроо்
V 0BF6 ௶ Debit рокро▒்ро▒ு
B 0BF7 ௷ Credit ро╡ро░ро╡ு
D 0BF8 ௸ As Above рооேро▒்рокроЯி
A 0BF9 ௹ Rupee ро░ுрокாроп்
S 0BFA ௺ Number роОрог், роиிро▓ுро╡ை
N 0BD0 рпР Om -
L 0BF1 ௱ Raja ро░ாроЬ
Some Special Symbols
G ЁЯМХ Full Moon рокро╡ுро░்рогрооி
H ЁЯМС New Moon роЕрооாро╡ாроЪை
J ★ Karthigai роХாро░்род்родிроХை
^$ ₹ Rupee ро░ூрокாроп்
To typeset the above symbols the following packages are needed they are
- lmodern
- MnSymbol
- wasysym
- tfrupee
- marvosym [has some other common symbols]
The full moon ,new moon and the star needs to be in math mode.Here is an MWE
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
$\newmoon \fullmoon $
\rupee $\filledlargestar$
* Different Authorities give different measure for kuli.
Most of these symbols are not in current use.
Some Measurement are still used in oral form.
Some Symbols are used only for official documents although it has become rare nowadays.
Shriramana Sharma and others have done a huge work to make sure Tamil numbering and measuring system were included in Unicode. Also Shriramana Sharma is the author of the font Lohit Tamil Chart Font.Kudos to them for their hard work.